Friday, 9 May 2008

The Salutation- Sandwich, Kent

Part of my assesment for my History and Cultural studies module involved writing an essay on the works of Landscape Architect Gurtrude Jekyll, her gardens and her relationship with architedt Edwyn Lutyens. Sadly Jekyll's premiere garden at her home, Munstead Wood, had not opened for the season- so instead I made a trip to The Salutation in Sandwich Kent to see another example of her work. The gardens here are unique in that it was Lutyens rather than Gekyll who carried out the majority of the design work, though the influence of Jekyll is clearly evident. The gardens are in the process of a complete restoration by the buildings current owners and opened to the public in 2007. The gardens here follow an architectural layout, often mirroring the rooms of the adjacent house. Fortunatly the weather for my visit was beautiful- and there was even some spare time afterwards for a walk along the beach in nearby Deal.

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