Tuesday, 2 December 2008

A Brief Look at Europe

Although it may not look much, this really grabbed my attention. During some works on a public square in Frankfurt the railings have been covered in a photographic canvas- and what a vast improvement it makes over leaving all the building works visible. This fence becomes more of a feature than the usual eyesore.

These boardwalks in Zurich provided an attractive peaceful walk along the banks of the river, set down at a level close to the water. At certain times of year they can flood, forcing pedestrians
to use a higher level path. They provide a great contrast to the busy city despite being just behind the main streets and make one feel at home with the natural river environment.

This interesting square is situated outside Milan's Cadorna Station. The large abstract sculptures are of a needle and thread which disappears under the road only to reappear among jets of water in a large central fountain. Also note the tram- I became rather obsessed with these amazing rickety old things!

Probably the most interesting Landscape site of the trip was in Marseilles, close to the harbour. A large site had been graded with a variety of steps slopes and levels. Many interesting pieces of furniture had also been used to provide seating areas and to screen walls. Perhaps the most interesting element of all was a terrace which was covered in equally spaced 'oversized' pots. Each pot was taller than myself and rather than containing the usual plants instead was occupied by a sizable tree.

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