Monday, 12 January 2009

Digital Media in Presentation

This post may seem slightly unusual in that it does not relate directly to any site with significant landscape architecture. However when working in this field one of the most important decisions to get right is how to present a project- and the correct media to use. The expectation seems to have moved dramatically over a short period from the majority of work being done by hand to a majority instead being digitalised.
These changes can be reflected in much of the work I do. I am far more likely to turn to my copy of Adobe Photoshop than to pick up a pen and start sketching. Of course there is a balance and one must not become complement with computers, however some of the recent work I have produced does show what an impact they can have.
One project recently involved building a short animation series using Adobe Flash. While this programme is initially very difficult to master it does, once the basic commands are understood, become a simple case of matching the correct codes with the correct functions in the files. After a lot of hard work I had an interactive document which I was very pleased with, and which will be far more accessible to a client or indeed anyone with an interest than the paper copies I tried to present previously.

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