Sunday, 10 May 2009

Reflections on the year

Looking back at the past year makes me feel positive about the way in which this blog has developed. Without doubt there has been an improvement to both the standard and content of the blog over that time, and during the year I have aimed to widen the horizons which I explore. It is imperative that within the discipline of Landscape Architecture we do not become narrow minded which merely looking at other completed projects could do. After all, where is the innovation in looking at what is already being done? I have enjoyed expanding the scope of this blog into a wider area of design and hope you have enjoyed the increased content. The amount of projects ongoing at any one time is almost overwhelming and with so much out there to provide inspiration it has been difficult at times to decide what to divert my attention to.
Over the next year I hope to continue to look at Landscape Architecture in an even broader sense which will benefit designs even further.
One of my other focus objectives listed in January was to increase my exploration of different varieties of digital media to express design. Although there is no evidence on this blog this is something I have been investing time in successfully- I hope over the summer to complete a website showcasing my online portfolio which will feature many of these new skills.

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